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Big Mumbai Game Colour Prediction Overview

Big Mumbai Colour Prediction is a puzzle betting game that combines Colour recognition and prediction elements. Players only need to find it on the home page of the Login APP. Players need to predict the next Colour that will appear based on the Colour change rules given by Colour Prediction within a limited time, and click or touch the corresponding Colour area on the screen. make a choice. Big Mumbai Colour Prediction is designed to train players’ observation, reaction and Colour sensitivity, while providing rich Colour change modes and difficulty gradients to meet the challenge needs of different players.

Colour Prediction gameplay and Winning Tricks

Colour Prediction Mode
Big Mumbai Colour Prediction is divided into multiple modes, including classic mode, challenge mode and endless mode. The classic mode is based on fixed colour change rules and is suitable for novice players to familiarize themselves with the game; the challenge mode provides a variety of different colour change rules, and players need to adapt to and predict the correct colour within a limited time; the endless mode does not Time limit allows players to challenge their colour prediction limits.

Colour Prediction Winning Tricks
When Big Mumbai Colour Prediction starts, a basic colour will be displayed in the center of the screen, and then changes to another colour according to a certain pattern.
Players need to observe the colour changes and predict the colour that will appear next.
When the predicted colour appears on the screen, players need to click or touch the colour area within a limited time.
If the prediction is correct, the game continues, and the difficulty may increase; if the prediction is incorrect, the game ends, and the player’s score and time are recorded.
After a period of training, you can master Big Mumbai Colour Prediction Winning Tricks

Big Mumbai Game Colour Prediction element design

Colour Change Rules
A variety of colour change rules are preset in the game, including changes in rainbow order, increasing or decreasing RGB values, colour mixing and separation, etc. The regular design not only complies with the principles of colour science, but also has a certain degree of interest and challenge.

Random Elements
In challenge mode and endless mode, the game will introduce random elements, such as sudden changes in colour change patterns, adding interference colours, etc., to increase the uncertainty and difficulty of the game.

Big Mumbai Game Colour Prediction combines colour recognition with prediction elements to bring players a new puzzle game experience. Through constant challenges and practice, players can not only improve their Colour Prediction Winning Tricks, but also enjoy the joy and fun of success in the game.